Believe in your infinite potential.
Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.
Roy T. Bennett
Many of us try to find ourselves. We look for an identity - THE identity. OUR very own identity. It feels like there is a goal to reach and then, tadaa, that’s us. That’s the good enough version of us.
If we are perfectionist, we also try to reach that ideal version of us, but actually never get there. Either because we create an even better dream identity while being on the way. Or because our standard is so unreachably high that we can’t get there anyhow.
Doesn’t this mindset imply that there is a finite ideal to achieve?
But isn’t life changing with every day passing?
And asking us to adapt to the new circumstances?
Meaning that there is no finite version that can be reached?
On the other end and maybe even worse, if we don’t define for ourselves what we want to reach, somebody else will. Our parents, our teachers, or society. They all have a great impact, for the better or worse. But even if they act with the most positive intentions, they can only teach and apply their version of the world. It is limited like our own is limited.
If we understand that, we can learn from different people and views. While taking what serves us best, we can also practice to unlearn what does not match our current lives or dreams.
Most importantly, we can practice to question and give up parts of our identity to create a new one. Because it is a creation in our minds - not more. And it is our thoughts that tell us our limits. The more we can let go of our beliefs and thinking patterns, the better we will be able to use our potential.
This is easy to write, but in real life it can be quite challenging. Especially since we copy many behaviors unconsciously and first have to become aware of learned beliefs and patterns. But it is worth digging inside us and adapting to the ever changing life.
Life is a journey. An interesting one. A challenging one. An unpredictable one.
Let’s accept it the way it is while shaping our preferred paths and realities.