When you are stuck in a situation and don’t know what you are aiming for, don’t worry.
Life is not single-purposed. There is no such thing as the one and only way.
Some people see their path clearly. From the outside, it might seem like they never worry about choosing the wrong path. Because they are on the “right” way.
For many people there is some kind of struggle. They are not always sure about their goals and decisions.
There is a hack in such situations.
Turn to the opposite.
The more extreme, the better.
What do I mean by opposite?
The more you recognize what you don’t like or don’t want in your life, the easier you will follow “your path”.
You can ask yourself questions like the following ones:
What is it that you don’t enjoy at all?
What have you avoided since your childhood?
What do you frequently procrastinate on?
Who do you not want to meet?
Life is not just about doing what you like. It is much more not having to do what you really dislike.
Focus on the good, but avoid what’s bad for you. You will live a life which matches your values and needs.