One of my biggest challenges as a leader is to create PERCEIVED fairness in my team.
What is fairness?
Is life ever fair?
Can team members even be compared to each other?
Is comparison good? To what extent?
Every human being is good and has good intentions.
However, following the right-people-right-place approach, not every HR person suits my current team and our current work environment.
Yet, even if I see a general fit, there are huge differences between each individual. Which is normal. And I even want differences to a certain degree, as they would make us work more holistically and innovatively.
My goal is to create standards. Standards to have similar work styles. Standards to ensure a quality level. Standards to form a culture. Standards to create some kind of fairness.
All of this is happening in my little world and according to what I perceive or what I receive as feedback.
What my team members perceive can be something very different. Hopefully not too different, but I am aware that they will never see and feel things the way I do.
And knowing that is sometimes hard to accept. I can only do my very best and have some kind of influence, but I will never have control over their perceptions.